منتديات المطاريد - عرض مشاركة واحدة - الهجرة لمدينة موردن -Morden city immigration
عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 13th August 2016, 01:47 AM Remon.soliman غير متواجد حالياً
  رقم المشاركة : 5

Remon.soliman has a reputation beyond reputeRemon.soliman has a reputation beyond reputeRemon.soliman has a reputation beyond reputeRemon.soliman has a reputation beyond reputeRemon.soliman has a reputation beyond reputeRemon.soliman has a reputation beyond reputeRemon.soliman has a reputation beyond reputeRemon.soliman has a reputation beyond reputeRemon.soliman has a reputation beyond reputeRemon.soliman has a reputation beyond reputeRemon.soliman has a reputation beyond repute

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مشاهدة المشاركة المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة shawi
Qualifications Of Morden, Manitoba Immigration Initiative
The city of Morden, Manitoba has a program underway for individuals interested in immigrating to Canada who do not have a job offer, or family or friends already in Canada.

Although an article posted earlier outlined the foundations of this unique program, this addition will explore with detail the requirements, expectations and potential outcomes of such an opportunity.

This program was designed to fill labor shortages in the city of Morden, and the city will nominate individuals based on previous work experience for the following occupational fields: manufacturing, cabinet making, welding, industrial sewing machine operators, and childcare and daycare workers. If you do not have past experience in these areas, periodically review the list as they are subject to change based on the needs of the city.

Morden’s Community Driven Immigration Initiative has a variety of requirements that an applicant must fulfill:

Must be under 45 years of age and over 21 years of age
Must not have any family members, friends or previous work experience anywhere in Canada
Have completed a minimum of two years of full-time work experience*
Have at least a one-year post-secondary degree or diploma
Score a minimum of 5 in each area of English proficiency on the IELTS exam
Have a real intention to reside and live in Morden, Manitoba
Have lived in a rural area previously**
*Within the last 5 years

**Previous rural living suggests an ability to integrate into the local culture and adapt to the climate with ease

Should you succeed in the first round of applying, you will receive a letter of success and information about an exploratory visit to the city of Morden, as well as an interview with the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP).

It is suggested that the exploratory visit is around 5-9 days, during which time you will experience the safe, friendly and multi-cultural City of Morden, Manitoba. This visit is intended to provide information about the city and it’s communities, families, educational and recreational services and facilities, as well as for you to make contacts in your field of work.

The expectations of the exploratory visit set by the MPNP are:

Meet with 2-3 prospective employers in your field of work
Consult with employers about your potential employability in Manitoba
Explore potential housing, educational and lifestyle opportunities that you may like to live in
Have an interview with an officer from MPNP at the end of your visit: be prepared to talk about what you have done during your time in Morden, why you believe you would be a strong candidate for the MPNP, as well as your plans for successful settlement (i.e. the community in which you hope to reside, the places you’ve visited, the services you know about, the occupation(s) in which you (and your spouse) intend to seek employment, the contacts you have secured to explore these employment opportunities and anything you learned about your employability)
To this interview, you should bring education and training certificates, employment references and any supporting letters or other documentation resulting from your exploratory visit.

You will receive notice within 4 weeks after your exploratory visit and interview regarding an invitation to apply for assessment. If you are successful, you will receive an invitation to apply online at (www.immigratemanitoba.com) within 6 months of receiving the invitation. If you are nominated, you will receive a Letter of Approval, and the next step is applying to the Canadian Embassy.

This program is excellent for those looking to immigrate to Canada without any previous experience with the country or a job offer. It is also a good alternative for those who do not qualify for other types of immigration. The success of immigration is highly dependent on English skills – you can find information about learning English and about life in Manitoba at www.cbc.ca/manitoba/eal/.

If you are preparing for the Express Entry program you may also meet the requirements for this program and as a client of our firm for the Express Entry program the professionals at FWCanada would automatically assess you for this program.

To find out if you qualify for this program or any other Canadian immigration program, please fill out our FREE online assessment form today.

FWCanada is a Montreal-based immigration law firm that provides professional legal services on Canadian immigration. For more tips and updates on Canadian immigration follow FWCanada on Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin
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تسلم على التنبيه يا رضا

وتسلم على الخلاصة يا عمدة

حسب فهمي المهن التالية فقط تقدر. تقدم
manufacturing, cabinet making, welding, industrial sewing machine operators, and childcare and daycare workers.

اللي شغالين في المجال الصناعي (بيشتغلوا بايديهم)
الحدادين او اللحامين في المجال الحدائد
مشغلو المكن (احمد زكي في فيلم النمر الاسود)
العناية بالاطفال
موظفين عناية اليوم الواحد اعتقد تندرج تحتها الاطفال وكبار السن والمرضي

بس غير مل ده لازم تكون عيشت في بيئة ريفية في اخر 5 سنين
يعني بالنسبة لمصر أشمون المنوفية طنطا كفر الشيخ المحلة المنصورة دمياط ورشيد وبالنسبة الصعايدة بني سويف وانت نازل المنيا أسيوط سوهاج أسوان الأقصر وحبايبنا في النوبة وتكون عايش في قرية مش في المركز او البندر

وطبعا خبراتك لازم يتم إثباتها بشهادة خبرة وتجيب خمسات في الايلتس

أعتقد صعب جدا تلاقي عرب مقدمين عليها الا لو واحد ابن قرية واتعلم صنعة وهو صغير واشتغل في مصنع قريب من قريته وكمل تعليمه وراح الجامعة

بس بعد استيفاء الشروط دي بتمشي في طريق حبايبنا بتوع شهر واحد في الزيارة الاستكشافية وبيبعتولك دعوة للزيارة من 5 ل 9 ايام

وطبعا عشان مايتكررش معاك اللي حصل مع بعض من إخوانا اللي جالهم الدعوة لو ناوي على السكة دي اهتم بالترفل هيستوري طلع الفلوس من تحت البلاطة وسفيرة كوريا مع اليابان اللي بعدها اسبانيا وممكن أمريكا اللاتينية مايضرش أهم حاجة ماتخشش السفارة الكندية وانت بسبورك ابيض
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