Graphics Designer - منتديات المطاريد
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    Graphics Designer

    الهجرة إلى كندا والولايات المتحدة واستراليا

    مواقع هامة وإعلانات نصية

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    قديم 28th March 2024, 11:53 PM Mr. Job غير متواجد حالياً
      رقم المشاركة : 1
    Field Marshal

    Mr. Job is on a distinguished road

    :USA: Graphics Designer

    أنا : Mr. Job

    Company Description
    We are looking to hire a full-time graphics designer who wants to excel at UI/UX design work and is able to create easy-to-use and visually engaging designs for both websites and mobile applications and is very passionate about it. The ideal designer is someone with experience working closely with developers and with strict deadlines in an agile work environment. 

    SEEKA Technologies (Not Seeka Limited) is a project under its parent organization called Fresh Futures Australia which is an education consultant based in both Australia and Malaysia. We are developing and creating a platform that utilises A.I. to help match students and job seekers to the right opportunities relevant to them from Kindergarten up to the University along with vocational training centers and language schools and ofcourse to businesses and companies who need the right candidates. Our mission is to make it easier for anyone to find, filter and apply to educational institutions and companies in a more seamless manner.

    You will have a chance to work closely with our product design manager who will supervise you and make sure you are on the right track. Our ideal candidate also needs to be someone who is creative and innovative-thinking - able to come up with new design concepts and ways to improve the overall UI/UX to ensure that the users will have the best experience possible on it. 


    • Please include a link to your online portfolio of designs (Ex. Behance)
    • You may be given a test where your attention to detail and design skills will be assessed
    • You would mainly be using Adobe XD to create your designs and need to be good at analyzing the UI to understand how our website/App works
    • You need to be able to commit to a 1 year full-time contract

    Job Description
    • Using Adobe XD for prototype designs
    • Designing app pages, features, buttons, layouts, etc
    • Designing website pages, features, buttons, layouts, etc
    • Designing marketing or promotional material
    • Converting design files into ones suited for back-end developers
    • Analysing the UI to determine where and how the designs can be improved
    • Helping us design the overall UI and UX of websites and our Mobile Application
    • Suggest to improve software/application user experience
    • Being innovative and creative thinking 
    • To design marketing tools such as email templates, social media posts, banners, etc.
    • To work with the marketing, business or psychology department when necessary
    • To work with agile design frameworks between you and your managers and colleagues who may also belong to different departments like I.T., Business, Marketing and even Psychology! 

    • Must have good spoken English
    • Candidate must possess or currently be pursuing a Diploma or Bachelor's Degree in Graphics Design/ Art/Design/Creative Multimedia, Advertising/Media or equivalent.
    • Adobe Photoshop (must have at least basic knowledge)
    • Ability to use Adobe Illustrator. InDesign and Premeir Pro is a bonus
    • Ability to use Invision and Figma is a bonus
    • Video editing skills is a bonus
    • Ability to code and program using HTML, C++, etc is a bonus
    • Able to adapt designs to different styles for various projects
    • You must be able to work quickly and fluidly through all phases of the process, from research, to concept, to design and final execution
    • Capable of executing design projects independently
    • Able to think out of the box in generating new ideas for content creation

    Additional Information
    1. Completely remote or work from home
    2. Friendly and understanding colleagues

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    الموضوع الأصلي : Graphics Designer     -||-     المصدر : منتديات المطاريد     -||-     الكاتب : Mr. Job



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    تنبيه هام

     يمنع منعاً باتاً نشر أى موضوعات أو مشاركات على صفحات منتديات المطاريد تحتوى على إنتهاك لحقوق الملكية الفكرية للآخرين أو نشر برامج محمية بحكم القانون ونرجو من الجميع التواصل مع إدارة المنتدى للتبليغ عن تلك الموضوعات والمشاركات إن وجدت من خلال البريد الالكترونى التالى [email protected] وسوف يتم حذف الموضوعات والمشاركات المخالفة تباعاً.

      كذلك تحذر إدارة المنتدى من أى تعاقدات مالية أو تجارية تتم بين الأعضاء وتخلى مسؤوليتها بالكامل من أى عواقب قد تنجم عنها وتنبه إلى عدم جواز نشر أى مواد تتضمن إعلانات تجارية أو الترويج لمواقع عربية أو أجنبية بدون الحصول على إذن مسبق من إدارة المنتدى كما ورد بقواعد المشاركة.

     إن مشرفي وإداريي منتديات المطاريد بالرغم من محاولتهم المستمرة منع جميع المخالفات إلا أنه ليس بوسعهم إستعراض جميع المشاركات المدرجة ولا يتحمل المنتدى أي مسؤولية قانونية عن محتوى تلك المشاركات وإن وجدت اى مخالفات يُرجى التواصل مع ادارة الموقع لإتخاذ اللازم إما بالتبليغ عن مشاركة مخالفة أو بالتراسل مع الإدارة عن طريق البريد الالكترونى التالى [email protected]