منتديات المطاريد - عرض مشاركة واحدة - ( كل شيء عن إختبار التوفل-toefl- )
عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 7th August 2011, 08:06 AM AzzA غير متواجد حالياً
  رقم المشاركة : 2
Silver Member

AzzA has a reputation beyond reputeAzzA has a reputation beyond reputeAzzA has a reputation beyond reputeAzzA has a reputation beyond reputeAzzA has a reputation beyond reputeAzzA has a reputation beyond reputeAzzA has a reputation beyond reputeAzzA has a reputation beyond reputeAzzA has a reputation beyond reputeAzzA has a reputation beyond reputeAzzA has a reputation beyond repute

AzzA's Flag is: Egypt


أنا : AzzA

قسم القواعد:

هذا القسم يحتاج الى تعود وتمرس وحفظ القواعد وهناك كثير من الكتب المفيدة في هذا المجال لكن اذا تعلمت قاعدة فورا طبقها في الكتابة والقراءة والمحادثة والاستماع وهنا تكون قد رسخت القاعدة اللغوية في رأسك.

الاختبار التجريبي:

لمن يريد ان يجرب اختبار الانترنت: iBT


حاولو ان تجربوه فهو مفيد جدا

وهذا الموقع فيه اختارات للاقسام منفردة كل قسم لوحده لمن يرد ان يرى مستواه في قسم معين:


مدة الاختبار:

مدة اختبار التوفل على الورق PBT: تقريبا 4 ساعات .

مدة اختبار التوفل الكمبيوتر CBT : هي ثلاث ساعات ونصف.

مدة إختبار التوفل الانترنت iBT: ثلاث ساعات.

عودة الى أقسام إختبار التوفل سنبدأ بقسم الاستماع:

Listening Section:
قسم الاستماع:

يحتوي قسم الاستماع في هذا الاختبار على 50-30 سؤال متعدد الاختيارات وفي هذا القسم لن تسأل عما تسمع ولكن عما فهمت من الذي سمعته فلن يكون السؤال ماذا قال المتحدث ولكن ماذا يعني المتحدث بكلامه.

وتكون على ثلاث مراحل :

الحوار القصير( تقريبا 15 سؤال) :

غالبا ما يكون حوار بين اثين من الطلاب وعبارة عن 2 الى 3 جمل او سؤال وجواب ويعتمد على فهم الشخص للمرادفات وفهم القصد من الكلام.

وهذا مثال على هذا القسم:

man: are you going to the library today?

woman: "not until after lunch".

What dose the woman imply?

A. before lunch
B. after lunch
C. later
D. not at all (the speaker doesnot want to go the library today.)

woman: We are going to need at least a dozen
Man: On top of the ones I already bought?

What is the man asking?

(A) Whether he has bought enough film
(B) Which type of film is best rolls of film.for the woman's photography assignment
(C) Whether it will really be necessary to buy a dozen more rolls of film since he has bought some already
(D) Whether the woman is including the film he has bought in estimating how much will be needed

W: I don't know about you, but this cold is really getting to me.
M: Well, you aren't the heartiest person I have ever met.

What does the man think about the woman?

(A) He thinks she is overly sensitive to the cold.
(B) She has good reason to be cold.
(C) She can tolerate cold fairly well.
(D) He thinks she is used to a warmer climate

الحوار الطويل (15 سؤال):

في هذه المرحلة يكون الحوار غالبا بين اكثر من طالبين ولمدة 3 الى 4 دقائق ويعتمد على الاستيعاب وفهم التعابير او مايسمى بالايدومز

وهذا موقع تجد فيه التعابير (الايدومز)الاكثر شيوعا.

مثال على ذلك:

M: I'm excited about going to the concert at the campus pub on Saturday. It's supposed to be the best show of the year. You're coming, aren't you?
W: I wish I could, but I already promised Lisa that I would cover both of her night shifts at the movie store this weekend.
M: Why did you do that? Did you forget about the concert?
W: Actually, I really need the hours. Next semester is going to be really expensive. I have to buy a new psychology textbook that is going to cost me more than one hundred dollars.
M: Have you looked in the used book store for it? I never buy my math textbooks new.
W: That's what I would normally do, but it's a new edition this year. Some of the chapters are different, so I really need to buy the new one.
M: That's too bad. I wish you could come to the concert. If it makes you feel any better, Matt won't be able to come either.
W: Why is that? It's his favorite band!
M: He has to go home for the weekend. His sister is getting married.

Now get ready to answer the questions.

1. What are the speakers discussing?

A) Their plans for next semester
B) Why the woman can't go to the concert
C) Their favorite band
D) A psychology class

2. What will the woman do on Saturday?

A) Work at the bookstore.
B) Go to the movies.
C) Cover a friend's shift.
D) Go to a concert.

3. What can be inferred from the conversation?

A) The woman never works on weekends.
B) The man and woman take the same courses.
C) Matt would like to go to the concert too.
D) The new psychology book might sell out.

المرحلة الثالثة وهي المحاضرة القصيرة او المناقشة الجامعية:

في هذا القسم ستستمع الى محاضرة قصيرة لمدة 10-15 دقيقة وتعتمد على التركيز والاستيعاب وتحديد النقاط المهمة من المحاضرة وكيفية الاجابة على أسئلة بناء على فهم المحاضرة.

مثال على ذلك:

Now listen to part of a lecture from a gemology class.

In last week's lesson about the difference between ****ls and gems, we discussed how pliable true gold is. Today we are going to be talking about the diamond, the hardest known natural mineral. As most of you know from our introductory chapter, diamonds are the transparent form of pure carbon. Carbon crystals form deep in the Earth's mantle when high temperatures and extreme pressure occur. The term "diamond" comes from the Greek word adamas, which means unconquerable. In the jewelry business, diamonds are valued according to a few categories, known as the 4 C's. The cost of a diamond depends on its carat, color, cut, and clarity. Besides Africa, there are few areas around the world with large diamond deposits. However, diamond replication is a new trend that threatens the multimillion dollar industry. Researchers have discovered a way to produce large volumes of diamonds by putting carbon under extreme heat and pressure. This process causes the carbon to crystallize into diamonds. Even the trained eye cannot detect the difference between a natural diamond and one that is manufactured in this way. While this innovation could devastate the jewelry industry, it could also turn the precious stone into a common semiconductor. Not only are diamonds incredible conductors of heat, they are also efficient electrical insulators. Tremendous heat can pass through a diamond without causing any significant damage.

Now get ready to answer the questions.

1. What is the purpose of this lecture?

A) To compare diamonds and gold
B) To discuss types of gems
C) To discuss the formation of diamonds
D) To review the elements of carbon

2. Which of the following is not one of the 4 C's used by the jewelry business?

A) Carbon
B) Carat
C) Color
D) Cut

3. Where do natural diamonds form?

A) In a manufacturing plant
B) In an electrical insulator
C) Deep in the Earth's mantle
D) Alongside ****ls such as gold

4. According to the professor, what are diamonds good for besides jewelry?

A) They can create heat.
B) They can hold heat in.
C) They can damage insulators.
D) They can conduct electricity



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