Australia VS Canada ؟؟ - منتديات المطاريد
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منتديات المطاريد | الهجرة الى كندا | الهجرة الى استراليا




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    Arabic Discussion Forum with a Special Interest in Travel and Immigration

    Immigration to Canada, Australia, and New Zealand

    Egypt and Middle East Politics, History and Economy

    Jobs in Saudi Arabia, USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand

    العودة   منتديات المطاريد > شؤون المغتربين > الهجرة إلى أستراليا ونيوزيلاندا والسويد

    الهجرة إلى أستراليا ونيوزيلاندا والسويد المنتدى بإشراف Ehab Salem,Remon.soliman,Muhammad Gad

    الهجرة إلى أستراليا ونيوزيلاندا والسويد

    Australia VS Canada ؟؟

    الهجرة إلى كندا والولايات المتحدة واستراليا

    مواقع هامة وإعلانات نصية

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    قديم 13th March 2010, 05:39 PM MFaisal غير متواجد حالياً
      رقم المشاركة : 1
    Golden Member

    MFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond repute

    MFaisal's Flag is: Zaire

    ausflag Australia VS Canada ؟؟

    أنا : MFaisal

    السلام عليكم

    بسبب ندرة المعلومات عن استراليا حبيت أمل الموضوع ده كنوع من المقارنة علشان نقدر نحدد أى من البلدين أفضل للهجرة ..

    طبعا أى شخص مهاجر يهمه فى البلد اللى عاوز يهاجرها حاجات أساسية زى

    المناخ .. النظام والنظافة .. فرص العمل .. مستوى المعيشة والدخل والمصروفات .. طبيعة اهل البلد وطباعهم ... القوانين ومساعدة المهاجرين .. وجود قوى للجالية العربية والأسلامية ... صعوبة نظام الهجرة ... صعوبة عمل المعادلة ..

    ودى النقط اللى هنبدأ نقارن فيها بين استراليا وكندا أو لو عندك مقارنات تانية مش مشكلة ..

    ياريت اللى عنده معلومات ( صحيحة ومؤكده ) ولو عن نقطة واحدة يقولها بحيث اننا نقدر نحكم فى النهاية ..

    مين هيبدأ ؟؟؟


    الموضوع الأصلي : Australia VS Canada ؟؟     -||-     المصدر : منتديات المطاريد     -||-     الكاتب : MFaisal



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    قديم 13th March 2010, 05:45 PM nash غير متواجد حالياً
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    Field Marshal

    nash has a reputation beyond reputenash has a reputation beyond reputenash has a reputation beyond reputenash has a reputation beyond reputenash has a reputation beyond reputenash has a reputation beyond reputenash has a reputation beyond reputenash has a reputation beyond reputenash has a reputation beyond reputenash has a reputation beyond reputenash has a reputation beyond repute


    أنا : nash

    بطيخه ممكن تفيدنا

    هاقولها ونشوف المعلومات بتاعتها ... إن شاء الله تفيد التوبيك ده

    ينفع يعني أقول بطيخه... وبعدين أقول هاتفيدنا؟؟ طب إزاي... منك لله



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    قديم 13th March 2010, 08:16 PM MFaisal غير متواجد حالياً
      رقم المشاركة : 3
    Golden Member

    MFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond repute

    MFaisal's Flag is: Zaire


    أنا : MFaisal

    اللى ممكن يفيدنا برضه الأستاذ مصرى وهو مشترك هنا باسم victorian2010 ...

    اللى اعرفه انه ماشى فى اجرائات كندا واستراليا مع بعض .. وأكيد سأل وعرف كتير عن استراليا ..

    حاولت أبعتله رسالة خاصة بس مش عارف ليه هو مش عاوز يستقبل رسايل خاصة .



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    قديم 13th March 2010, 08:27 PM MFaisal غير متواجد حالياً
      رقم المشاركة : 4
    Golden Member

    MFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond repute

    MFaisal's Flag is: Zaire


    أنا : MFaisal

    1 - مقارنة سريعة جدا بين كندا واستراليا ( لا اعلم مدى صحتها )

    Canada vs Australia



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    قديم 13th March 2010, 08:27 PM No Body غير متواجد حالياً
      رقم المشاركة : 5
    No Body

    No Body is on a distinguished road


    أنا : No Body

    !For Medical Professionals Only

    على سبيل المساعدة

    ده الموقع الرئيسي للهجرة وفيه كل حاجة عن استراليا وممكن ترجمته على جوجل



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    قديم 13th March 2010, 09:00 PM حشيش غير متواجد حالياً
      رقم المشاركة : 6
    Field Marshal

    حشيش has a reputation beyond reputeحشيش has a reputation beyond reputeحشيش has a reputation beyond reputeحشيش has a reputation beyond reputeحشيش has a reputation beyond reputeحشيش has a reputation beyond reputeحشيش has a reputation beyond reputeحشيش has a reputation beyond reputeحشيش has a reputation beyond reputeحشيش has a reputation beyond reputeحشيش has a reputation beyond repute

    حشيش's Flag is: UK


    أنا : حشيش

    أنا كمان مستغرب يا ضبوشه ليه الإقبال فى المنتديات على توبيكس الهجرة لكندا أكتر بكتير عنه لإستراليا ونيوزيلاندا بالرغم من أن المناخ فى الأخيرتان أفضل جداً منه فى كندا؟!



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    قديم 13th March 2010, 09:09 PM العندليب غير متواجد حالياً
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    العندليب is a glorious beacon of lightالعندليب is a glorious beacon of lightالعندليب is a glorious beacon of lightالعندليب is a glorious beacon of lightالعندليب is a glorious beacon of lightالعندليب is a glorious beacon of light

    افتراضي سؤال

    أنا : العندليب

    مشاهدة المشاركة المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة حشيش
    أنا كمان مستغرب يا ضبوشه ليه الإقبال فى المنتديات على توبيكس الهجرة لكندا أكتر بكتير عنه لإستراليا ونيوزيلاندا بالرغم من أن المناخ فى الأخيرتان أفضل جداً منه فى كندا؟!

    كان ليا سؤال مش عارف صح ولا غلط
    هو لية الناس مش بتهاجر لندن؟؟؟



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    قديم 13th March 2010, 10:22 PM medopharm غير متواجد حالياً
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    Senior Member

    medopharm is a splendid one to beholdmedopharm is a splendid one to beholdmedopharm is a splendid one to beholdmedopharm is a splendid one to beholdmedopharm is a splendid one to beholdmedopharm is a splendid one to beholdmedopharm is a splendid one to behold

    medopharm's Flag is: Egypt


    أنا : medopharm

    مشاهدة المشاركة المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ضبش
    1 - مقارنة سريعة جدا بين كندا واستراليا ( لا اعلم مدى صحتها )

    Canada vs Australia

    بس انا ملاحظ انا كفة استراليا غالبه شويه
    من ناحية البطاله والرواتب
    واللى كنت اعرفه ان الرواتب فى كندا احسن من استراليا
    ياترى رواتب الصيادله عامله ايه هناك؟؟؟



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    قديم 14th March 2010, 06:52 PM MFaisal غير متواجد حالياً
      رقم المشاركة : 9
    Golden Member

    MFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond repute

    MFaisal's Flag is: Zaire


    أنا : MFaisal

    ده مقال جميل جدا بيقارن بين استراليا وكندا فى عدة نقاط .. رغم انه مهتم بحاجات متهمناش زى العلاقات مع الصين بس مفيد جدا .. أرجو قرائته بتمعن ..

    Migration Options: Comparison Of Australia And Canada

    At present, widely seen as the main country of immigration for four: North America, the United States and Canada; Oceania Australia and New Zealand. Which the United States and New Zealand have a very serious because of their disadvantages (the former asking for too much, which is less developed economies) of the current Chinese immigrants tended to be concentrated in Australia and Canada. I came home to a Canadian university degree ubc Master, after graduating from the school failed to apply for the United States, after careful consideration of migrants to Sydney, I think I still have the qualifications compare these two countries.

    First of all, tell us about the two countries, an overview of it, or could explain a number of issues. Australia's 20 million population, land area of 7,700,000 square kilometers, 21,650 per capita income in 2004, the world's top 19; Canada's 27 million population, land area of 9.9761 million square kilometers, 23,930 per capita income in 2004, ranking the world 18. Canada is better to be the figures, but the gaps are small, basic is a grade. (CIA data in 2007, Australia ranked the world 16,43798 dollars; Canada ranked 18,43478 dollars, or up and down regardless, but Australia has more than Canada. Data connection from the Yearbook of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, The World Factbook, provided by theCentralIntelligence Agency, as of October 2, 2008.)

    From an economic point of view, the two countries are not very well-developed manufacturing industry, heavy industry do not have the basic, the strengths are similar to the agricultural and mineral exports of such products, the two countries are the world's forefront of agricultural exporting countries, Australia is the world's largest lamb exporting countries (but very few Australians to eat lamb). (Added that last did not introduce unemployment data. Canada in December 2008 unemployment rate was 6.6 percent, Australia in December 2008 unemployment rate was 4.4%. Do not look down on the 2% gap, which in the economic field is very big gap, which is why many Canadians come to Australia looking for work reasons. on the unemployment figures, can go to google search.)

    Evaluation: Canada slightly better than (now changed to victory over Australia)

    International political point of view, both of which are member of the Commonwealth, Canada is a member of the Group of Seven, although the last row, but also to be proud of. But the point of view in their respective regions, Canada can only lead the United States, Australia in their own region is the undisputed leader,

    Evaluation: tie.

    Climate in the southern hemisphere Australia, Canada, in the northern hemisphere, very different, as to where the better, naturally have their own likes, on my personal feeling, Australia, more than Canada's best is that the climate. I stayed in Vancouver a year and a half, where the climate is basically almost in Northeast China (I was in Harbin undergraduate study), the summer than in Harbin cool to cold winter outdoors, but as long as stay indoors, you are not will feel cold, but still not suitable for the survival of the majority of Chinese people. Australia on Needless to say, the winter will be cold days, summer days will be hot, and the remaining 330 days of it like a vacation.

    Evaluation: Australia victory

    Education is not a good comparison, I originally thought that, after all, Canada is in North America, should be better (the first place to go is directed at North America), but there are two information can refer to, one of the Times World University rankings, in Australia, 7 University of the top 50, Canada is only three. Another is the choice of studying the hearts of the people of Hong Kong, the first is in Australia, more than 10% of Hong Kong people choose to go to Australia, the United Kingdom ranked second, Canada ranked fourth behind the United States. The reasons for such a situation it is difficult to say, but personal feeling is probably because the Australian schools than the number of overseas students in Canada, it has resulted in better international reputation, while a number of outstanding scholars in Canada were the United States to attract gone, after all, Canada and U.S. tax gap is too great, of course, Canada local students have been basically left to attract the United States, many do not like the United States have come to Canada to study. But tuition fees in Canada than the United States the United Kingdom and Australia a lot cheaper, I ubc only 3600 when tuition fees (of course, ubc also cheaper than other schools, Toronto will be your lot (forgot that I was in half ubc Award )), cousin in Australia a year to master reading 20000 (add one point, the two countries are basically the *****alent of currency exchange rate (currently the Canadian dollar around 10%)) the cost of living is similar to renting generally block 450-600. (Living expenses and rent, is currently in Australia and 50% higher than in Canada, because the Australian economy is booming, Canada an economic downturn.)

    Evaluation: Australia slightly better than (mainly because the ranking)

    Natural resources may be Australia and Canada in the world, the scope of the strongest, the 2000 session of the United Nations Millennium leaders published a ranking countries in per capita natural resources, Australia First, Canada's second. Not very clear what the specific resources, Australia is very rich ore seems, Canada is like what a lot of oil field. (Thanks China over the past few years by India thanks to the rapid development of the Australian mining, ore prices reaching new heights long ago BHP Billiton to acquire Rio Tinto, said to exceed the amount of Microsoft, as the world's largest listed company)

    Evaluation: Australia wins

    The natural environment or Australia because the climate is better because, Sydney people say that like all day long holiday in the garden, like the other, Australia's urban population seems more than Canada, Vancouver is only 55 million people, Sydney almost 3.5 million, but the Australian cities Few residents do not know why. Australia's natural beauty is the most attractive I had not been to the Great Barrier Reef is in this life on the白活. Australia is the world's famous tourist resorts, Canada should have been much worse.

    Evaluation: Australia wins

    Immigration policy, I do not say, because other people are looking for help to do, but should be similar, Canada easier, because many people can not test IELTS, Australia IELTS 5 or 6 hours is necessary (in fact, technology English immigrants are not poor), many immigrants to Canada do not have the qualifications to migrate to Australia. Sources of income for almost all immigrants, mostly in Asia and the Commonwealth of South Africa in these places, but feel the loss of Canada to the United States each year a number of high-quality talent, while obviously better than blacks in Canada, Australia, and Australia's immigrants are a large part of the United Kingdom and European countries, Canada, the European immigrants rarely.

    Evaluation: a draw, the Canadian immigration policy relaxed, slightly higher than the quality of Australian immigrants

    Needless to say welfare, and this is a Chinese immigrant, one of the biggest reasons, the two countries are superior to the basic, of course, is built on a lot of tax you pay on the basis of the more significant it seems that the only difference is that payment of their pensions , the Australia after the age of 18 lived in Australia for 10 years can receive a full pension, Canada to some harsh, we must have resided for 40 years and less to live on less fortieth year. (Welfare, is currently in Australia is obviously a big slice of good, because the Australian government is currently a large number of budget surplus, and now each have a child in Australia there are about 7,000 Australian dollars of subsidies, at the same time every week and an additional allowance, the Canada is not At the same time, Australians are generally higher than the pension Canada, the number of pension and child subsidies can go to Australia and Immigration Canada website. At the same time, new immigrants can not find the house the Australian government can apply for rental subsidies, Canada seem to have similar provisions, but I can not find details)

    Evaluation: draw (now slightly better than Australia)

    Relations with China, Australia and Asia because of its geographical location close to benefit from the great Australian government this year and China are negotiating a free trade agreement (the first Western countries), if successful, they are likely to eventually form China + Japan + Korea + Australia common big market, Canada and China's economic exchanges between the small, basic Chinese goods are imported and exported agricultural products, trade volume compared to Australia can be ignored, relations between the two countries is also very smooth, not very good nor very distant.Evaluation: Australia all-round wins

    The following is added:

    The price front is probably Australia's biggest disadvantage, and through my own comparison, Australia is now the market commodity prices in general is probably twice as much about Canada or even higher, it is an exaggeration. A few examples, 385ML drink COCOCOLA of 24, the general is 5.99 Canadian dollars, 4.68 times the cheapest you can buy bananas: the cheapest, 0.56 / kg cabbage: 0.89 / kg Australia this: 24 * 385ML, 14.56AUD Banana: 1.99 Chinese cabbage over more than 245 salmon to say, Canada's frozen on the 4 yuan / kg, Australia to 20 / kg lobster: 12 / kg, 20 more than the Australian. (Canada win, Australia price too expensive)

    Another is the need to take into account housing prices, which is essential for the new immigrants. This is because the two countries have many cities, more difficult to compare. But I take the two largest cities, Sydney and Toronto compare it. Although unable to find the specific figures, but my understanding of the two cities on a conservative estimate, Sydney house prices at least in Toronto, more than double, since the Sydney Olympics after prices reached a very high altitude, it seems The average house price in Sydney and even more than New York and London, it is an exaggeration, but this is the fact that Australia's economic boom led global investors to invest in Sydney. Australia and even in remote cities, such as Pace, the average price about 50 million Australian dollars, *****alent to 430,000 Canadian dollars, you can buy in Canada a very good house. (Canada victory)

    Australia and Canada than the feeling, just like Australia is China's big cities like Beijing and Shanghai, what are expensive, but also high-income residents a big slice, but also many foreign nationals in tourism investment, natural prices are also higher prices

    Canada is like this level of Chengdu, Chongqing city, low wages, the minimum wage in Canada is generally 8 money, Australia is also the lowest in the city for at least 14 more, so the wages of Canada is also much lower than in Australia, according to statistics of the two countries, according to statistics , Canada 786 Canadian dollars a week, Australia about 1147 Australian dollars. But the relatively low consumption in Canada, such as coffee drink per person, Canada is probably less than two pieces of glass, Australia generally about 4. Low income, low consumption, like the very best of life. (On the minimum wage figures are derived from various countries to the official website of the Inland Revenue Department, users can also go to google search, you can direct the search in Chinese; Canada + Australia + average weekly earnings or average weekly earnings. Just go to the new immigrants are not holding are the minimum wage, so you often see in the online Chinese new immigrants in Canada to commit suicide can not find a job, but not from the perspective of Chinese negative news in Australia)

    Integrated on a variety of reasons, I chose Australia instead of Canada, I hope there are immigrants intent to understand first of all, Canada from the United States despite recent, but would like to go to the United States via Canada or difficult (a load of rubbish, can go to the United States who is going to Canada) Now, because of the economic downturn in Canada, Canadians want a variety of ways to emigrate to the United States, many Canadians in the university and even went to high school in exchange for the identity of the United States for schooling and, of course, a lot of people to retain Canadian citizenship in the United States work, there is just a high visibility the death of the well-known television news anchors (forgot the name), like Mexico, Canada is being marginalized by the United States is getting worse. In addition, Australia's Chinese feel a little less than Canada, in Canada do not speak English (Q Bar) was still free. (Australia Chinese much less than Canada, because Canada absorption are mainly Indians and Asians, the Chinese people; in Australia, many European immigrants, and even more than in Asia)

    Appendix, the Canadian Government's own survey showed that Australia is the first choice of migrants around the world, Canada ranked second

    Australia to investigate global migration out the first Canada's second

    Recently, the authorities on a country's tourism, investment, government management, the National impression, such as the view of 10 countries, more than 10,000 passengers embarked on a public opinion poll. The results showed that public opinion polls in Canada in the world, ranking second only to Australia.

    In the selection best suited to live, work, investment in the state and the local residents the impression that regard, Canada defeated the United Kingdom, ranked second; the area of employment, Canada ranked third; At the same time, the majority of people think that Canada is the most suitable for the development of economy.

    The most appropriate country of immigrants, Canada is listed as the third;

    Most suitable for tourism countries, Canada ranked second.

    Referred to the Government Management, Canada second only to Switzerland, second place, I believe that Prime Minister Paul Martin will see that this result is very satisfactory.

    Responsible for the international public opinion polls, President of the SimonAnholt said: "Canada is a stable, free and democratic country, its health-care systems in many countries is unparalleled. These points has led to Canada in the northern hemisphere to create a strong brand effect, the majority of people think that Canada is a safe, reliable, and suitable for economic investment. This fully affirmed the prospects for economic development in Canada. "

    Of course, Canada is not perfect, in exports, the top 11, the cultural heritage has ranked No. 20.

    Comprehensive ranking of all items, Australia ranked first spear, it is generally agreed that Australia is more democracy and freedom, the state is more stable, able to provide the best and most comprehensive way of life. The opinion poll, the top 11 were: 1. Australia 2. Canada 3. Switzerland 4. Britain 5. Sweden 6. Italy 7. Germany 8. Netherlands 9. France 10. New Zealand 11. USA Canada ranked various aspects: investment, immigration 2 Economic Development 3 Tourism 3 national impression 2 employment 3 Heritage 20 popular culture 14 government management 2 export / products / well-known brands: 11



    رد مع اقتباس

    قديم 14th March 2010, 07:21 PM MFaisal غير متواجد حالياً
      رقم المشاركة : 10
    Golden Member

    MFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond reputeMFaisal has a reputation beyond repute

    MFaisal's Flag is: Zaire


    أنا : MFaisal

    مشاهدة المشاركة المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة حشيش
    أنا كمان مستغرب يا ضبوشه ليه الإقبال فى المنتديات على توبيكس الهجرة لكندا أكتر بكتير عنه لإستراليا ونيوزيلاندا بالرغم من أن المناخ فى الأخيرتان أفضل جداً منه فى كندا؟!

    أستراليا وكندا متشابهين جدا .. حتى أنا قريت كتير ان فانكوفر شبه سيدنى وملبورن شبه مونتريال .. والبلدين الصراحة روعة وجمال خلاب ..

    بس الفرق ان الجمال بيتمحى فى كندا مش أقل من 6 أشهر فى السنة وبتبقى الدنيا تلج كثيف وكل العيشة indoor .. انما فى استراليا المناخ زى الفل والحياة كلها outdoor والبلد محافظة على جمالها طول السنة ..

    ومتهيألى ان الحياة ال indoor دى تجيب اكتئاب يا شيشو



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    أستراليا, australia, البرج, canada, العنصرية, كندا

    Australia VS Canada ؟؟

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    Canada - Here I Come !! Landing in Ottawa مهاجره جديدة مقاطعات كندا 396 14th October 2017 08:35 AM
    Nurses to United Kingdom,USA, Australia, Canada Badroora أبناؤنا فى الخارج 20 1st November 2016 06:17 AM
    Positive Canada great expectations الهجرة إلى كندا 274 1st May 2014 07:19 AM
    Canada vs Sweeden يمن كندا الهجرة إلى كندا 14 20th September 2012 01:37 PM
    who is in canada its for you :) kaza أرشيف الباب 2 30th June 2011 10:49 PM

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    تنبيه هام

     يمنع منعاً باتاً نشر أى موضوعات أو مشاركات على صفحات منتديات المطاريد تحتوى على إنتهاك لحقوق الملكية الفكرية للآخرين أو نشر برامج محمية بحكم القانون ونرجو من الجميع التواصل مع إدارة المنتدى للتبليغ عن تلك الموضوعات والمشاركات إن وجدت من خلال البريد الالكترونى التالى [email protected] وسوف يتم حذف الموضوعات والمشاركات المخالفة تباعاً.

      كذلك تحذر إدارة المنتدى من أى تعاقدات مالية أو تجارية تتم بين الأعضاء وتخلى مسؤوليتها بالكامل من أى عواقب قد تنجم عنها وتنبه إلى عدم جواز نشر أى مواد تتضمن إعلانات تجارية أو الترويج لمواقع عربية أو أجنبية بدون الحصول على إذن مسبق من إدارة المنتدى كما ورد بقواعد المشاركة.

     إن مشرفي وإداريي منتديات المطاريد بالرغم من محاولتهم المستمرة منع جميع المخالفات إلا أنه ليس بوسعهم إستعراض جميع المشاركات المدرجة ولا يتحمل المنتدى أي مسؤولية قانونية عن محتوى تلك المشاركات وإن وجدت اى مخالفات يُرجى التواصل مع ادارة الموقع لإتخاذ اللازم إما بالتبليغ عن مشاركة مخالفة أو بالتراسل مع الإدارة عن طريق البريد الالكترونى التالى [email protected]