Suez Canal: Giant container ship Ever Given partially refloated - منتديات المطاريد
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    Suez Canal: Giant container ship Ever Given partially refloated

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    قديم 29th March 2021, 10:14 AM المستشار الصحفى غير متواجد حالياً
      رقم المشاركة : 1
    Field Marshal

    المستشار الصحفى has much to be proud ofالمستشار الصحفى has much to be proud ofالمستشار الصحفى has much to be proud ofالمستشار الصحفى has much to be proud ofالمستشار الصحفى has much to be proud ofالمستشار الصحفى has much to be proud ofالمستشار الصحفى has much to be proud ofالمستشار الصحفى has much to be proud of

    Lightbulb Suez Canal: Giant container ship Ever Given partially refloated

    أنا : المستشار الصحفى

    Suez Canal: Giant container ship Ever Given partially refloated Sisi hails success, as local authorities say the vessel is 80 percent corrected and tugging efforts are planned to continue
    MEE and agenciesMon, 03/29/2021 - 07:27
    It remains unclear whether the waterway would be open on Monday (Reuters)
    A giant container ship that has blocked the Suez Canal for nearly a week has been refloated, raising hopes that the international waterway will soon be clear.

    The 400-metre long Ever Given had been dislodged from the banks of the Suez Canal on Monday morning, marine services company Inchcape said in a tweet.*

    "The MV Ever Given was successfully re-floated at 04:30," said Inchcape.

    "She is being secured at the moment."

    The MV Ever Given was successfully re-floated at 04:30 lt 29/03/2021. She is being secured at the moment. More information about next steps will follow once they are known. #suezcanel #maritime

    — Inchcape Shipping (@Inchcape_SS) March 29, 2021
    Local authorities added that the vessel was 80 percent*clear, and that the next step would be to continue tugging efforts to free the vessel and direct it to a waiting area.*

    Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said on Monday that Egyptians had succeeded in ending the crisis of the container ship stranded in the Suez Canal.

    “And by restoring matters to their normal course, with Egyptian hands, the whole world can be assured of the path of its goods and needs that are carried through this navigational artery,” Sisi said on his official Twitter*account.*
    'By restoring matters to their normal course, with Egyptian hands, the whole world can be assured of the path of its goods and needs that are carried through this navigational artery'

    - Egyptian President*Abdel Fattah al-Sisi

    Admiral Omar Rabie, who heads the Suez Canal Authority,*said on Facebook that the next steps would be to manoeuvre the ship during a high tide on Monday which will lead to the*"full restoration of the vessel’s direction so it is positioned in the middle of the navigable waterway".

    The Ever Given container ship, which is the size of four football pitches, has blocked the Suez Canal for the past six days, crippling international trade and causing losses worth billions of dollars.*

    The blockage has stopped traffic coming from both directions and forced companies to consider taking a more expensive route that diverts vessels past South Africa's Cape of Good Hope.

    Rabie*said that the blockage had held up more than 320 ships on either side of the canal. He added that the waterway's closure meant the Egyptians had lost at least $12m-$14m in revenue.*

    Lloyd's List, a shipping data and news company, said it had also seen a "surge" in vessels opting to go around Africa instead of waiting for the canal to be cleared.

    Lloyd’s estimated*the canal’s westbound traffic to be valued at roughly $5.1bn a day, and eastbound traffic at around $4.5bn a day.**

    The 200,000-tonne MV Ever Given veered off course in the Suez Canal last Tuesday, an incident officials blamed on high wind speeds and sandstorms.*

    But Rabie on Saturday acknowledged that "technical or human errors" led to the Panama-registered super container ship's grounding.*

    Inside Egypt


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