Lebanon's energy minister blames fuel shortages on smuggling to Syria - منتديات المطاريد
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    صحافة ... إعلام ... سينما ومسرح

    Lebanon's energy minister blames fuel shortages on smuggling to Syria

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    قديم 18th April 2021, 02:30 PM المستشار الصحفى غير متواجد حالياً
      رقم المشاركة : 1
    Field Marshal

    المستشار الصحفى has much to be proud ofالمستشار الصحفى has much to be proud ofالمستشار الصحفى has much to be proud ofالمستشار الصحفى has much to be proud ofالمستشار الصحفى has much to be proud ofالمستشار الصحفى has much to be proud ofالمستشار الصحفى has much to be proud ofالمستشار الصحفى has much to be proud of

    Lightbulb Lebanon's energy minister blames fuel shortages on smuggling to Syria

    أنا : المستشار الصحفى

    Lebanon's energy minister blames fuel shortages on smuggling to Syria Raymond Ghajar says smugglers are selling subsidised Lebanese fuel in Syria at triple the price
    MEE and agenciesSun, 04/18/2021 - 11:01
    Many Syrians prefer to buy smuggled Lebanese fuel, at a mark-up of up to $25 per tank, instead of sometimes waiting*for upwards of six hours for minimal fuel through official channels (AFP)
    Soaring fuel prices caused by chronic shortages have been*blamed by Lebanon's caretaker energy minister on*smugglers exporting subsidised supplies into war-torn Syria.

    Raymond Ghajar*said the price for gasoline in Syria is triple the Lebanese price, which is encouraging smugglers to sell supplies there.*

    "The need for petrol on the Syrian market is pushing Lebanese smugglers to smuggle it into Syria for massive profits," Ghajar told reporters.

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    There have been repeated waves of protests against the Lebanese political system over the past two years over its failure to control inflation and provide fundamental services to the population.*

    Ghajar said Lebanese should not hoard fuel supplies and that there will be no short-term lifting of subsidies until a rationing system is developed.*

    The government in neighbouring Syria, where there are often hours-long queues for the limited fuel supplies available,*raised petrol prices by more than 50 percent in March.*

    In Lebanon, a 20-litre tank of state-subsidised petrol now costs around $3*at market exchange rates, while in Syria the same amount sells for $7-$13, depending on the grade, AFP reported.

    Government ineptitude

    Many Syrians with the financial means prefer to buy Lebanese fuel, smuggled across the border, at a mark-up of up to $25 per tank, rather than sometimes waiting*for upwards of six hours for minimal fuel supplies through official channels.

    Lebanese officials have long blamed such contraband activities for fuel shortages in Lebanon, but have not given further details.

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    In July, Ghajar said fuel was "evaporating, we want to know where is it going -*there is smuggling for sure, but we still don't know the quantities".

    Lebanon's currency has been in freefall since mid-2019, losing more than 85 percent of its value against the dollar.*

    That has sparked an economic crisis and crushing inflation, with prices of basic commodities rising 144 percent, according to International Monetary Fund estimates.*

    More than half the country is under the poverty line.

    Protests in the country have blamed the ineptitude of the government for many of the country's woes, including its lack of an energy policy.

    Lebanon economic crisis


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    الموضوع الأصلي : Lebanon's energy minister blames fuel shortages on smuggling to Syria     -||-     المصدر : منتديات المطاريد     -||-     الكاتب : المستشار الصحفى



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     يمنع منعاً باتاً نشر أى موضوعات أو مشاركات على صفحات منتديات المطاريد تحتوى على إنتهاك لحقوق الملكية الفكرية للآخرين أو نشر برامج محمية بحكم القانون ونرجو من الجميع التواصل مع إدارة المنتدى للتبليغ عن تلك الموضوعات والمشاركات إن وجدت من خلال البريد الالكترونى التالى [email protected] وسوف يتم حذف الموضوعات والمشاركات المخالفة تباعاً.

      كذلك تحذر إدارة المنتدى من أى تعاقدات مالية أو تجارية تتم بين الأعضاء وتخلى مسؤوليتها بالكامل من أى عواقب قد تنجم عنها وتنبه إلى عدم جواز نشر أى مواد تتضمن إعلانات تجارية أو الترويج لمواقع عربية أو أجنبية بدون الحصول على إذن مسبق من إدارة المنتدى كما ورد بقواعد المشاركة.

     إن مشرفي وإداريي منتديات المطاريد بالرغم من محاولتهم المستمرة منع جميع المخالفات إلا أنه ليس بوسعهم إستعراض جميع المشاركات المدرجة ولا يتحمل المنتدى أي مسؤولية قانونية عن محتوى تلك المشاركات وإن وجدت اى مخالفات يُرجى التواصل مع ادارة الموقع لإتخاذ اللازم إما بالتبليغ عن مشاركة مخالفة أو بالتراسل مع الإدارة عن طريق البريد الالكترونى التالى [email protected]