.Net Developer with Sharepoint for UAE - منتديات المطاريد
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    وظائف بمصر والخليج العربى

    .Net Developer with Sharepoint for UAE

    الهجرة إلى كندا والولايات المتحدة واستراليا

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    قديم 21st August 2019, 09:31 AM Mr. Job غير متواجد حالياً
      رقم المشاركة : 1
    Field Marshal

    Mr. Job is on a distinguished road

    :bulb: .Net Developer with Sharepoint for UAE

    أنا : Mr. Job

    VAM Systems is a Business Consulting, IT Solutions and Services company with operations in UAE, Bahrain, USA, Australia, Singapore & India. VAM Systems is currently looking for .Net Developer with Sharepoint for our UAE operations with the following skill set and terms and conditions: Responsibilities: Implementation of action plans and programs relating to the operations and programming of the systems used in different organizational units in accordance with the work requirements and in accordance with the standards and technical specifications to be determined.Participate in determining the needs of organizational units to the centre of the various programs and applications required by specific systems in addition to participating prepare detailed specifications for comprehensive programs in accordance with the technical specifications and standards and to properly documented and integrated.Work as systems analyst in the collection and analysis of data, information models and reports and records manual processes in order to address them automatically.Participation prepare programming units for Applied Systems software in addition to the analysis and design of systems and develop applications as directed and needed work.Contribute to the design and analysis of existing systems and processes used in the centre and determine the extent of their impact on the overall stability of other systems in addition to participating in the analysis of new projects under the supervision systems and on systems analyst.Participation in the program performance analysis and make appropriate corrections for miss-existing processes, based on the directives of the supervisor and user feedback and systems analyst in question.Participation in the conduct of studies and evaluation needed for the programs and determine the complex inter-relationship between the components of the programs and credits arising between the integrated applications.Initiative to offer suggestions aimed to provide software and applications appropriate to their beneficiaries and work to update and develop whenever so required by work requirements.Work on the preparation and programming of integrated systems, including models, monitors and reports on the applications of new computer systems that are consistent with the policy and methodology of information technology design.Developing and customizing web parts, master pages, page layouts, and application pages based on SharePoint 2010 and ASP.Net, T-SQL and Entity Framework.Branding portal application using Visual Studio and SharePoint designer, themes and site definitions. Using CAML queries for pulling information from lists and document library ****data.Developing portal applications using Out of the box, custom web parts and workflows.Perform preventive maintenance and corrective systems and software used and make the necessary adjustments by changing the streaming track and develop logic compile detailed adjustments and write symbols and inform the direct supervisor for complex problems to take action.Post to conduct the necessary tests and the necessary programs and units of each system separately and test a complete system for new and existing applications, whether carried out by the programmer himself or another programmer and examinations.Work on the documentation and review of program documents, processes and user manuals in addition to backups daily, and organize special versions work done by.Preparation of daily and periodic work carried out by noting the achievements and constraints of work and recommendations to be addressed reports.Performing acts required to service the requirements of the specification ISO27001 for information security.Perform such other tasks related to the nature of work as guidance.Essential skills required:SharePoint 2013/2016 developmentResponsive Web DesignC# 5.0Entity Framework 6AngularJS Angular 2+Bootstrap 3HTML5CSS3JavaScript (JQuery, AJAX)Exposure to MVVM and MVCVS2013 & TFST-SQLSQL ServerGood inter-personal relations and communication skills Responding to inquiries from the team members Accomplished in setting and meeting deadlines, planning and developing methodsTerms and conditions:Joining time frame: 2 weeks (maximum 1 month). The selected candidates shall join VAM Systems – UAE and shall be deputed to one of the leading Organization in UAE.

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    الموضوع الأصلي : .Net Developer with Sharepoint for UAE     -||-     المصدر : منتديات المطاريد     -||-     الكاتب : Mr. Job



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     يمنع منعاً باتاً نشر أى موضوعات أو مشاركات على صفحات منتديات المطاريد تحتوى على إنتهاك لحقوق الملكية الفكرية للآخرين أو نشر برامج محمية بحكم القانون ونرجو من الجميع التواصل مع إدارة المنتدى للتبليغ عن تلك الموضوعات والمشاركات إن وجدت من خلال البريد الالكترونى التالى [email protected] وسوف يتم حذف الموضوعات والمشاركات المخالفة تباعاً.

      كذلك تحذر إدارة المنتدى من أى تعاقدات مالية أو تجارية تتم بين الأعضاء وتخلى مسؤوليتها بالكامل من أى عواقب قد تنجم عنها وتنبه إلى عدم جواز نشر أى مواد تتضمن إعلانات تجارية أو الترويج لمواقع عربية أو أجنبية بدون الحصول على إذن مسبق من إدارة المنتدى كما ورد بقواعد المشاركة.

     إن مشرفي وإداريي منتديات المطاريد بالرغم من محاولتهم المستمرة منع جميع المخالفات إلا أنه ليس بوسعهم إستعراض جميع المشاركات المدرجة ولا يتحمل المنتدى أي مسؤولية قانونية عن محتوى تلك المشاركات وإن وجدت اى مخالفات يُرجى التواصل مع ادارة الموقع لإتخاذ اللازم إما بالتبليغ عن مشاركة مخالفة أو بالتراسل مع الإدارة عن طريق البريد الالكترونى التالى [email protected]